
4 Types of Ecomm General Tools to Revolutionize Your Business

Vanessa Copley
Marketing Manager

In 2022, ecommerce sales this year are expected to reach nearly $5.5 trillion dollars(1). That’s an unprecedented number, with many factors contributing to its growth – including the closures of physical stores, the rising popularity of things like digital wallets, delivery services and the wave of individuals leaving traditional jobs for work at home solutions. And even though the popularity of online shopping is increasing – so is the competition. In order to run a profitable ecommerce business, you will need to utilize some ecomm general tools to save time and increase efficiency in your business as you grow.

As demand increases, so do the offerings of tools to use simplify your business. At SegMetrics, we have taken the time to compile a list of our favorite general ecommerce tools to help you take some of the guesswork out of finding the right one for your business.

1. CRM Software

CRM software is an essential general ecomm tool. CRMS like Salesforce or Pipedrive allow you to manage all your contacts in one place, drive sales, automate pocesses and create sales pipelines.  For retail ecommerce, Keap or ActiveCampaign are great choices for a CRM where you can manage everything from the first point of contact, through a sales funnel, upsells, downsells, and post purchase nurture. You can also create landing pages and forms with Keap and ActiveCampaign, email automations, and any kind of pipeline your business uses.

2. Landing Page Creation

Landing page creation tools like Leadpages and ClickFunnels can offer your business an easy and professional way to quickly design landing pages that convert like gangbusters. Both services provide professional looking templates you can drag and drop your business elements into.  If you want to design a template yourself, you have the option to make pages limited only by your imagination.  ClickFunnels and Leadpages both play well with your website as well, they provide easy to use integration options. 

3. Payment Processors

The next ecomm general tool you will need is a payment processor.  Oftentimes if you are using an all-in-one CRM like Keap, or an ecomm platform like Shift4Shop, you’ll have a payment processor already built in.  You are probably familiar with Stripe, as well, as it is vastly popular.  You can also use processors like BrainTree, or Easy Pay Direct for payment processing in a similar way to Stripe, or Recurly or ChargeBee for subscriptions payments.  Integration with your current website or ecomm store is easy to set up for any of these options, and each offers stellar customer support.

4. Analytics

Finally, you will need analytics tools to tell you how your business is really doing, with accurate KPIs, revenue and lead generation reporting. Analytics tools like SegMetrics can tell you what your winners are in your funnels, which upsells and downsells are performing the best, which lead sources are bringing in paying customers versus the tire kickers, and where the leaks are in your funnels that you need to plug up.

At SegMetrics, we integrate seamlessly with these applications, and give you analytical insight into your ecommerce business that you otherwise could not get. Allow SegMetrics powerful deep attribution tools match your lead click to any sale, no matter the time frame – days, weeks, months or years from now. Additionally, we offer in depth reporting at the click of a button, with our pre-built reports like our Sales and Revenue Report, or our Subscriptions report. Start your free trial today, and see the SegMetrics difference.

Vanessa Copley

Marketing Manager

Vanessa Copley is a business automation specialist and the founder of Custom Client Journey. She specializes in client journey management and bringing the human touch to your automated experience. In her free time, she enjoys reading science fiction and horror novels, studying real estate, practicing Tang Soo Do and spending time with her amazing children, the love of her life, and their birds and guinea pigs.

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