
8 Best Email Providers for Your Coaching Business (2022 Edition)

Vanessa Copley
Marketing Manager
Coaching Email Provider

If you are trying to grow your coaching business or online course, setting up a winning coaching email provider is an absolute must. Below are 8 of the top email providers for coaching practice.

Active Campaign 

Active Campaign is a great email marketing service to help you reach your audience, whether it’s through Facebook ads or newsletters. It’s easy to use and has a wide range of features and integrations with other apps.

It has automation, so you can create a series of emails for your coaching business that go out automatically at certain times. You can also add triggers to your emails, like when someone clicks on a link in one of your emails or if they haven’t opened one for a while. This helps you tailor your messages to individual users based on what they’ve done before and gives you more control over what gets sent out.

Active Campaign also has analytics tools that allow you to see how effective your campaigns are. You can see how many people opened an email or clicked on something inside it, as well as where they came from (if they were referred by another website). This helps you understand which campaigns are working well so you can focus on them instead of those that aren’t doing so well.

You can use Active Campaign with Facebook Ads Manager, Google Analytics 360 Suite, Google Display & Video 360 Suite, Google AdWords Editor Toolkit and LinkedIn Sales Navigator (and other social media platforms). It also integrates with Zapier so that all your contacts from different places can be combined


 MailChimp is one of the most popular coaching email provider platforms out there. It’s easy to use, powerful, and has a ton of features that make it great for almost any business.

MailChimp offers us a robust platform with a lot of flexibility. The ability to segment customers is incredibly valuable, as is its ability to connect with other apps via Zapier. This means you can connect MailChimp with other applications like Shopify or WordPress so that when someone signs up for your newsletter, they get added as a customer in your Shopify store or automatically have their name added to your WordPress blog’s subscriber list.

The only downside to MailChimp is that it doesn’t have quite as many integrations as some of its competitors–but it still has plenty. And if you’re looking for something simple and intuitive with plenty of features, then MailChimp may be the perfect fit for you!


 ConvertKit is a great email service that allows you to send emails, manage your list, and get analytics on everything you do. But there are a few things you should know about it before diving in.

First off, ConvertKit is not free. You need to pay for the number of people who are subscribed to your list, as well as what type of plan you want (you can choose between 3 different plans). This can be a little bit confusing at first because the pricing seems complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy enough to figure out.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all features are available on every plan. For example, if you have a free plan with under 100 subscribers and want to send out broadcast emails (which are basically emails sent out automatically), this won’t be possible unless you upgrade your plan or move up to one of their paid plans. This means that if you want certain features but don’t want to pay for them yet (or don’t want to pay too much), then this could be something important for you to consider when choosing which plan best suits your needs.


If you are looking for another great coaching email provider, check out They offer a free 14 day trial and you can pick a template for free when you register. Set up is so easy, you may send your first newsletter in five minutes after signing up.

GetResponse offers a variety of features, including, email templates and templates that are customizable, autoresponder series and autoresponder, email automation and segmentation, CRM integration and tracking and analytics and reporting.

Their customer success team is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.  They speak 8 languages so if English isn’t your first language, this may be a great company for you.


For over 20 years, AWeber has helped over a million entrepreneurs connect with their leads and customers through email marketing.  AWeber’s easy signup forms and autoresponders make it easy to build your audience, boosted by their 24/7 support.  We also love Aweber because it has tons of great features and options—and it can integrate with just about any system you can imagine. 

Aweber allows you to create an auto-responder sequence, set up welcome messages for first-time subscribers, and even send out promotional emails on your behalf. With Aweber, you can also manage multiple lists, merge them together into one master list if needed, and even create separate lists based on different interests or demographics.

If you’re looking for an easy way to grow your subscriber base without having to spend hours manually sending emails out every day then Aweber could be just what you need!


 Klaviyo is an email platform that helps coaching marketers send personalized emails to their customers. It provides a variety of features that make it easy to create and send effective email campaigns through a single interface.

Klaviyo’s Email Providers are a set of tools that allow you to integrate your existing email service provider (ESP) with the Klaviyo platform so that you can use the two together seamlessly. If you are currently using an ESP, this makes it easy for you to keep using your current ESP and start taking advantage of all the benefits of Klaviyo without having to switch providers or switch over from one system to another.

Klaviyo is a cloud-based email marketing platform that helps you send personalized emails, manage your direct mail campaigns and track your email marketing performance. Klaviyo lets you send personalized emails to customers based on their purchase history, send automated emails to new customers who have made an order with you and personalize your emails using third-party information like weather conditions, location and time of day.

Infusionsoft (now Keap)

Infusionsoft by Keap is a classic choice in the world of coaching email providers. Their all-in-one marketing and sales automation software is ideal for growing a small business. It effortlessly combines CRM, email marketing and e-commerce.

The Infusionsoft (Keap) Email Provider is a service that delivers email messages to your recipients on behalf of Infusionsoft, with your permission. This service helps you get more out of your relationship with Infusionsoft by letting you send messages with your own branding and style via your own email server.

Keap also integrates with over 2500 applications.  They also offer custom, free migration from these platforms: ActiveCampaign, AWeber, ConstantContact, HubSpot, MailChimp, and Ontraport.

Constant Contact

With a best-in-class email deliverability rate of 97%, Constant Contact will help you get the right message to the right customer, every time, so you can drive more sales, engage your audience, and track what’s working–all on a single platform.  

With Constant Contact, you can create and send emails to your customers, subscribers, or contacts. You can also keep them up to date with your latest news and promotions. And because Constant Contact is an all-in-one solution for email marketing, you won’t have to pay for any extra services.

You can even use the platform to manage your social media accounts, so all of your marketing activities are in one place!

SegMetrics gives you unparalleled insight into whichever coaching email provider you choose by connecting the actual people in your marketing systems to your email provider, whether that’s Active Campaign, Mail Chimp, ConvertKit, GetResponse, Aweber, Klavio, Infusionsoft (Keap) or Constant Contact. 

Get started with SegMetrics today, to uncover the hidden profits in your marketing and optimize your business at the click of a button.

Vanessa Copley

Marketing Manager

Vanessa Copley is a business automation specialist and the founder of Custom Client Journey. She specializes in client journey management and bringing the human touch to your automated experience. In her free time, she enjoys reading science fiction and horror novels, studying real estate, practicing Tang Soo Do and spending time with her amazing children, the love of her life, and their birds and guinea pigs.

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