
Building Marketing Funnels that Convert – in 90 Minutes

Zach Goldie
Marketer @ SegMetrics

We know every business owner wants to know the secret to getting conversions out of your marketing funnels. But not everyone has the time to learn all the intricacies of marketing analytics. That’s why Keith has created a fool-proof, 90-minute guide aimed at helping you and your business build a marketing funnel that achieves real results.

In this book, you’ll learn:

  • Why automated marketing funnels are the bread-and-butter of your business
  • How optimizing your funnels can lead to a massive boost in sales
  • The 6-step “classic” marketing funnel and how you can implement it in your business
  • The three critical things you must measure to quickly optimize your funnels and get them to convert better
  • Why understanding the “Hero’s Journey” can be one of the most profitable things you’ll ever learn when it comes to email marketing

And much more.

Keith has taken over a decade of learned strategies for optimization and condensed it into one easy-to-read guide for his fellow entrepreneurs. You’ll be getting more conversions and in turn making higher profits in no time! He goes deeper into conversions than just email click rates (although still important!) and really helps you define your customer and each of their individual needs, resulting in higher satisfaction from your audience.

“And while feedback from your customers and audience is always valuable, it’s important to understand that people’s actions always speak louder than their words. This is why it’s so important to define and measure every step of your funnel!”

Get your copy and start turning a higher profit today:

Zach Goldie

Marketer @ SegMetrics

Zach is lead copywriter for SegMetrics. As a former engineer, he loves the puzzle of how to best write a piece that matches the prospect's priorities.

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