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How Zach Goldie Boosted Email Conversion by 87%

Marketing to marketers is always a tricky proposition. As marketers, we get hundreds of emails from various lists a day,…

Building Community, Leveraging Novelty & Creating Urgency with Kurt Elster

Kurt Elster is the CEO & Co-Founder of Ethercyle, an ecommerce consultancy for Shopify Merchants, as well as the host…

Refining Your List with LeadShield.io

LeadShield is Brandon Shelton's 3rd SaaS. He has a proven track record as far as the marketing and growth of…

Funnel Optimization Strategies: Josh Doody

Josh Doody is a salary negotiation coach who helps experienced software developers negotiate job offers from big tech companies. He…

Planning the Perfect SaaS Launch: Userlist.io

Jane and Benedikt are long-time members of the SaaS bootstrapping community, and most recently the founders of UserList - which…

Outsourcing Work Costs More than You Imagine

So, you’re thinking about offshoring your talent or outsourcing work. You’ve read all the books and articles about how it…

How to Transform Any Product Into a Premium Product

Imagine if there was no difference in the quality of products you purchased. You wouldn’t have the fun of buying…

How to Turn Your Book Into a Course

You published your book?! Congratulations! Take a minute to let this sink in: People are paying to read the things…

19 Places You Should Be Using Customer Testimonials and Case Studies

People talk a lot about the value of customer testimonials and product case studies. But they don’t often talk about…

Give Yourself a Head Start with a Mastermind Beta Launch

One of the biggest issues when you’re making a new product is “the unknown.” Until you launch, you have absolutely…

How to Get Customer Testimonials that Crush Skepticism and Increase Sales

Every product needs quality testimonials. Whether you’re selling an e-book, an online course, or consulting services, a testimonial is a…

Lead the Way! Using Online Summits to Build Authority

When you buy something, WHO you buy it from is just as important as WHAT you’re buying. No one wants…

Are you looking for product promotion in all the wrong places?

Let’s do a little mental exercise. Picture in your mind the vision of a successful CEO, entrepreneur, or business owner.…

The #1 Way to Create a Product Idea that Sells

Today, we’re going to show you how to create the perfect product to complement your main offer – a product…

How to Sell More Stuff – Eight Email Conversion Tips

We’ve arrived to the most exciting part of our discussion – how to improve your conversion rate, that is, how…