Data Beats Opinion

by SegMetrics

Thoughts & Interviews with experts who improve their business with data.
Learn how to improve your marketing and revenue with straight-forward strategies you can do today.


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The Secret Behind Star Wars & How it Can Improve Your Emails

Like many heroes at the beginning of their quests, our hero starts out as nothing special. He lives on a…

How to Split Test Effectively, Even With Low Traffic

Some websites feel like magic. You arrive at their homepage looking for something and within a few clicks you’ve found…

From Cold to Hot: How to warm up your marketing leads

It was supposed to be simple. You created a website and an email list. You wrote a killer incentive to…

Half of Your Marketing Is Wasted. Do You Know Which Half?

Let me guess… You’ve been staring at your marketing numbers for hours — maybe even days. Your eyes have gone…

Get Your Customers to Buy Now with These Time-Tested Action Tactics

"The best thing about waiting until the last minute is that it only takes a minute." —Wake Forest If there’s…

SegMetrics Update Version 2: Faster, Smoother, and Smarter Analytics

Over the past four months, our team has been hard at work researching and building a faster, more intuitive experience…

The Definitive Guide to the Software & Services You Need to Start Selling Information Products

Whether you’re selling e-books or webinars, online courses or consulting services, building an online presence for your business can be…

Infusionsoft Marketing Success: 10+ Experts Share Their Knowledge

At Segmetrics, we have over a decade of experience helping marketers improve their campaign success with Infusionsoft. In that time, we've…

Which Type of Email User Are You?

How many emails do you get in a day? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Marketers sent over 838 billion emails in 2013…and…

Customer Service Strategies from the World’s Best (and Worst) Companies

At SegMetrics, we know all about giving customers first-class service. It’s what we do every day — making sure your…

How Email Segmentation Could Boost Your Retention

Every business wants to ensure they have good retention rates, how can segmenting your list help?

4 Tips To Boost Your Email List Quality

Quality will trump quantity when it comes to email lists. How can you boost the quality of your list?

How To Create A Welcome Email Series That Works

Are you effectively harnessing the welcome email? Here’s what you need in order to be effective.

Getting Noticed In The Age Of Content Fatigue

Is there a point to putting out more content in a crowded environment? We delve into some stats and case studies...

How to Use Tags to Understand Your Marketing Funnels

Using tags but with no real system? Get more from Infusionsoft with these tips...