Advanced Ad Attribution

Ad Attribution You Can Finally Trust

Marketing reports shouldn’t be black box figures. See transparent data on the real revenue generated by your ads.

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Lifetime attribution window

Attribute purchases made months or years after entering your funnel.

No double-counting

Our contact-based system means purchases won’t be double counted.

Optimize for sales

Our Conversion Feeder helps your ad AIs optimize for real sales.

Compliant with iOS 14+

All of our tracking is compliant with ATT, GDPR and CCPA

No more attribution guesstimations


Measure success with sales, not leads

Businesses succeed due to sales, not just leads, and your campaigns should be the same. Our unlimited attribution windows can assign purchases even through long or complex funnels.

In our CRM, reports that should be available with a few clicks just aren’t there.

SegMetrics changed that for us. Now we can see exactly which leads are most profitable and where our biggest opportunities lie. SegMetrics is like your marketing crystal ball.

— Chris Mason — Automation Marketer at Titans of Direct Response


See the exact purchases attributed to each ad

SegMetrics doesn’t give you yet more mystery numbers. Ad reports show you the list of relevant customers and purchases so you can see who really clicked your ads.

How does it work?

SegMetrics saves each ad click and spend data for each new contact in your CRM or email system.

That means every purchase that customer makes can be linked back to their original traffic source, even if they clear cookies or change devices. And with a direct connection to your marketing tools, double attribution becomes a thing of the past.

SegMetrics is your complete
marketing analytics toolset in one package

The easiest way to grow your business? Scale what works and kill what doesn’t. Custom Segments give you the power to find exactly what works – for email content, Lead Magnets, webinars, and more – so that you can improve your marketing.


Train the AIs to bring in real customers

Stop optimizing for weak events like “visited thank-you page” and focus on actual revenue. SegMetric’s Conversion Feeder sends data to the ad AIs about sales that they can’t detect themselves.


Find the ads that bring in lifetime customers

A customer’s journey shouldn’t stop with a single transaction. SegMetrics uses LTV tracking to calculate your RoAS, whether it’s separate items or a repeat subscription.

We added SegMetrics yesterday to see if it could find answers to questions a client’s had for over a year and that couldn’t be put off any longer. It could, and did so within about 30 seconds.

— Michelle Warner — Strategy Consultant


Don’t let ad blockers or iOS ruin your attribution

Our methods follow best practices from all major privacy protections such as Apple’s ATT. With 1st party cookies and optional server-side tracking you’ll never miss a sale.

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Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

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Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are