Discover how each visitor goes from curious to customer

SegMetrics doesn’t limit you to bulk analysis. Uncover where people enter your funnel and how they moved through it, with fully transparent data about every step.

Humanize your marketing

Connect with your individual customers and see exactly who you’re selling to.

Ditch the Black Boxes

See the people included in any report, where they came from, and how much they spent.

Investigate big spenders

Dive into the journeys of your big spenders to learn what makes better customers.

Enrich your contact data

Combine custom data from all of your systems for powerful report segmentation.

Market to individuals, not numbers


Connect with the people behind your marketing reports

Marketing should be about building relationships with individuals, not fixating on bulk statistics. SegMetrics shows you the people included in any report, who you can then click into for their full journey details.

Understanding your customer journey is hard to see. SegMetrics is like putting on night vision goggles for your marketing data. All of a sudden you can see the full picture of a customer journey.  It’s powerful!

— Wes Bush — Founder, Product Led


Learn how to attract more big spenders

Learn how your best customers discovered your business and how they moved through your funnel. 


SegMetrics shows you their journey over months or years, so you can optimize your marketing towards the customers with the highest lifetime values.

For all the power that comes with Infusionsoft, it can be a really complicated tool. Reports that should be available with a few clicks just aren’t there. With SegMetrics we can see exactly which leads are most profitable and where our biggest opportunities lie. SegMetrics is like your marketing crystal ball.

— Chris Mason — Automation Marketer at Titans of Direct Response

Example questions
SegMetrics Can Answer

SegMetrics is the complete toolset to humanize your marketing

You can only optimize your marketing if you understand your audience. Use SegMetrics to discover the full journey of every customer.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are

Diagnose issues with your other marketing tools

If your other marketing tools are reporting suspicious results then use SegMetrics to diagnose the issue.


Transparent data can uncover issues such as misapplied tags, broken funnel steps or double-counted sales.

Ian Chew

Not having the visibility in the business that we get through SegMetrics would be pretty scary. If you don’t have daily visibility into your back-end data, you’re leaving a ton of money on the table.  We doubled our business since last year.

— Ian Chew — Founding Executive, Seminal


Create meaningful segmentation with custom data

SegMetrics brings in custom data from all of your other systems. Record contact attributes such as background or experience level then use them as segments in any report to uncover what your best customers have in common.

SegMetrics gives you X-Ray vision to reveal what your customers are doing, how your marketing funnel is working… and how to make it work better.

— Eben Pagan — Founder, Eben Pagan Training

7D Tracking

Build consistent customer histories with our 7D Tracking

SegMetrics joins the data together through every funnel step, without the usual issues such as iOS, expiring cookies or switching devices.


Our 7D tracking means that every report is build on these customer journeys, so you can truly optimize your sales funnels.

Get Started in Less than 5 Minutes

Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are